Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I am honored and excited to have written today’s blog for my principal's page on Ed Week.   

I talk about three of the most important "teacher" apps on my iPad; Remind101 (used to send text blasts to my parents), NoteShelf (used for anecdotal notes, grading), and GoodNotes (used to upload my PDF planning pages & keep professional documents organized).

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  1. I discovered Remind 101 this year as well...it is absolutely perfect for my 6th graders who may not always " remember" that they have tests, or homework, or library, etc. my parents absolutely LOVED the daily texts that they received ! I also would send texts telling parents to " ask your child about their special visitor today in math class!" great way for parents to get beyond the "nothing response" to the question ' What did you learn in school today?"

  2. Great job, my friend! Hoping to use Remind 101 this year, too! :)
