5:45 on a
Friday night, still at school - on a ladder no less. Yes, I understand
there are only two and a half days left with kids, but there's more fun to be
had. Yeah, yeah, I know I have three kiddos and hubby to feed, but come
on, it’s time for Camp Learn-A-Lot and the tent needs to be hung!
A second grade colleague comes by and we begin chatting about next
year. I almost fall off the ladder when she says, "Most of the kids
are afraid to come to third grade" - perhaps my gasping for air was the
cue that I needed more information, thankfully she continues -
"they're terrified of the state tests and that's all they're talking
about. Some of them asked if they had to go to third grade."
surprise & sadness has rolled into anger over the weekend. What the
heck are we doing to our kiddos? These babies are SEVEN people and
they’re AFRAID TO GO TO THIRD GRADE!!!! Now Dear Mrs. Reilly my third
grade teacher was the best! I looked so forward to third grade and these
kiddos are AFRAID!!!
We worked it
out – the thirds went down to the second
grade and had a friendly chat and put their fears to rest. They spent the
time talking about inquiry and wonder, buoyancy and force, multiplication and
division, country research, and our Travel Expo – real
learning, not “fake stuff” as one of my thirds so accurately nicknamed the
state assessments .
What the heck
are we doing to our kids???